Welcome to TCGplayer API Documentation Site! If you are new to this site, please read further on this page for more introductory information. Veterans, feel free to navigate via the sidebar.
What is TCGplayer?
TCGplayer is an internet marketplace for collectible card games such as Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and other games. TCGplayer connects Local Gaming Stores and sellers across the United States of America with buyers for all their collectible card game needs.
What is the TCGplayer API?
API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a program UI meant for other programs instead of an end live user; a communication system between pieces of software.
Located at api.tcgplayer.com, the TCGplayer API is a RESTful API application that interacts with the TCGplayer store site. A large number of endpoints exist that return all aspects of the catalog, find pricing information, and manage personal stores. Any additional information you may need is hopefully at docs.tcgplayer.com.
What is the TCGplayer Affiliate Program?
TCGplayer's Affiliate Program allows websites, mobile apps, and content creators to monetize their platforms by directing their audience to TCGplayer. You can find out more about our program at: TCGplayer Affiliate Program
Is there any other essential info to learn?
We also have a great Postman collection that you can use to help kick start application development! This collection contains sample requests for all of the endpoints in the API.
Prefer chat programs? We have an active community Discord at: https://discordapp.com/invite/p4KsnGD
Updated about 1 year ago