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TCGplayer Affiliate Program

This page displays the details of our affiliate program and the steps necessary to get involved. It also covers linking to receive referral credit.

What is an Affiliate Program?

A partnership in which TCGplayer pays affiliate web sites a commission to send them traffic. These affiliate web sites post links to TCGplayer and are paid accordingly.

How does TCGplayer's Affiliate Program operate?

As an affiliate partner, we’ll provide you with a unique affiliate code that we’ll use to track your referrals and their actions once they land on You’ll receive access to a Google Data Studio dashboard for tracking that includes data and metrics including: referred users, conversion rate, transactions, referred revenue, and more.

The commission rate is 3.5% of any purchase directly referred to TCGplayer. This is through last-click attribution, meaning credit will be given to you for any purchase made when you’re the last referrer associated to that user. If you refer someone to a card and then they browse around and add 10 more cards to their cart, you’ll receive credit for the whole cart.

Payments are made 45 Days after the end of each month, and are for an entire month of earnings. So all earnings made during January would be paid in the third week of March. We pay via check in the USA and PayPal overseas. You can also have payments made directly to your TCGplayer account as store credit by request. We do not issue payments less than $10.

How do I sign up?

If you are interested in signing up, visit:

Fill out this form and we will set up a call with you shortly!

How do I link to TCGplayer?

Visit this page to learn more about Mass Entry and Affiliate Linking: Mass Entry and Affiliate Linking

Have further questions?

If you aren't already a member, join the conversation on our TCGplayer Developer Discord server! This is a great way to have any implementation questions answered quickly:

Alternatively, you can reach out via email: [email protected]