These docs are for v1.38.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.39.0.

v1.24.0 (Deprecated)

Modified Return

/user/me - IsStoreOwner added to the response

"results": [
            "firstName": "Avrom",
            "lastName": "Oliver",
            "nickname": "avrom o",
            "oAuthNickname": "avrom o",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "storeKey": "F417072D",
            "isKioskUser": false,
            "storeCreditBalance": 4.56,
            "tcgPlayerPointsBalance": 0,
            "groups": [
                    "groupId": 24,
                    "groupName": "Marketplace Seller"
                    "groupId": 1041,
                    "groupName": "Direct Under Threshold Private Beta"
                    "groupId": 1044,
                    "groupName": "TCGplayer Buylist Beta Group"
                    "groupId": 1094,
                    "groupName": "Order List Vue"
                    "groupId": 1096,
                    "groupName": "Pro Home Tab"
            "isStoreOwner": true

/store/self - isProStore added to the response

"results": [
      "storeKey": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "level": "string",
      "status": "string",
      "isCertifiedHobbyShop": true,
      "isDirect": true,
      "isGoldStar": true,
      "completedSalesRank": "string",
      "emailContact": "string",
      "storefrontUrl": "string",
      "isProStore": bool
      "inventoryValueCurrent": 0,
      "inventoryValueLimit": 0,
      "productCountCurrent": 0,
      "productCountLimit": 0,
      "dailyEntryCountCurrent": 0,
      "dailyEntryCountLimit": 0,
      "productPriceMax": 0