Get ProductList By Id

Returns the ProductList specified by using the ProductListId.

Product lists can be pulled from the same endpoint through key or id. This endpoint will return more detailed information about a product list. The returned productConditionId fields can be used through product endpoints to return more detailed data about a specific product or through pricing endpoints to return current pricing data.

    "success": boolean,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "productListItems": [
                    "productListItemId": integer,
                    "quantity": integer,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": integer,
                        "name": "string",
                        "language": "string",
                        "isFoil": boolean
                    "productListItemId": integer,
                    "quantity": integer,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": integer,
                        "name": "string",
                        "language": "string",
                        "isFoil": boolean
            "productListId": integer,
            "productListKey": "string",
            "createdAt": "datetime"
    "success": true,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "productListItems": [
                    "productListItemId": 3103043,
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": 3799,
                        "name": "Near Mint",
                        "language": "English",
                        "isFoil": false
                    "productListItemId": 3103044,
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": 21163,
                        "name": "Near Mint",
                        "language": "English",
                        "isFoil": false
            "productListId": 166732,
            "productListKey": "aab5f8d0-1266-46ec-87f0-daa45f3373a8",
            "createdAt": "2018-02-09T13:33:50.557"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!