Get ProductList By Key

Returns the ProductList specified by using the ProductListKey.

Similar to Get ProductList By Id, this endpoint pulls data about a product list. The response format matches the response format for Get ProductList By Id.

    "success": boolean,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "productListItems": [
                    "productListItemId": integer,
                    "quantity": integer,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": integer,
                        "name": "string",
                        "language": "string",
                        "isFoil": boolean
                    "productListItemId": integer,
                    "quantity": integer,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": integer,
                        "name": "string",
                        "language": "string",
                        "isFoil": boolean
            "productListId": integer,
            "productListKey": "string",
            "createdAt": "datetime"
    "success": true,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "productListItems": [
                    "productListItemId": 3103043,
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": 3799,
                        "name": "Near Mint",
                        "language": "English",
                        "isFoil": false
                    "productListItemId": 3103044,
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "productCondition": {
                        "productConditionId": 21163,
                        "name": "Near Mint",
                        "language": "English",
                        "isFoil": false
            "productListId": 166732,
            "productListKey": "aab5f8d0-1266-46ec-87f0-daa45f3373a8",
            "createdAt": "2018-02-09T13:33:50.557"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!