List Related Products

Related Products are other Products that are often purchased along with the specified Product.

Returns a list of products that are frequently purchased with a specific product.

    "totalItems": integer,
    "success": boolean,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "relatedProductName": "string",
            "productId": integer,
            "gameName": "string",
            "productName": "string",
            "price": decimal,
            "setName": "string"
    "totalItems": 4,
    "success": true,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "relatedProductName": "Tropical Island",
            "productId": 9234,
            "gameName": "Magic",
            "productName": "Ancestral Recall",
            "price": 397.94,
            "setName": "Unlimited Edition"
            "relatedProductName": "Mana Drain",
            "productId": 3951,
            "gameName": "Magic",
            "productName": "Ancestral Recall",
            "price": 175.94,
            "setName": "Legends"
            "relatedProductName": "Lion's Eye Diamond",
            "productId": 5129,
            "gameName": "Magic",
            "productName": "Ancestral Recall",
            "price": 138.55,
            "setName": "Mirage"
            "relatedProductName": "Surgical Extraction",
            "productId": 39452,
            "gameName": "Magic",
            "productName": "Ancestral Recall",
            "price": 18.98,
            "setName": "New Phyrexia"
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