List Product Market Prices

Returns all product market prices for the Ids specified. Market prices that could
be found are returned in the results array in the response. Market prices that
could not be found are indicated in the errors array.

This endpoint accepts a comma-separated list of product ids. A good workflow can be to first hit the product search endpoint and then from there hit pricing from the list of ids.


Performance Note

It is a good idea to save this data in a local database so a new pricing call doesn't have to be made every time that you display a price to a user.

  "success": true,
  "errors": [
  "results": [
      "productId": 0,
      "lowPrice": 0,
      "midPrice": 0,
      "highPrice": 0,
      "marketPrice": 0,
      "directLowPrice": 0,
      "subTypeName": "string"

    "success": true,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "productId": 127425,
            "lowPrice": 10,
            "midPrice": 10,
            "highPrice": 10,
            "marketPrice": 8,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Normal"
            "productId": 127425,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Foil"
            "productId": 127428,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Foil"
            "productId": 127428,
            "lowPrice": 15,
            "midPrice": 15,
            "highPrice": 15,
            "marketPrice": 15.99,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Normal"

    "success": true,
    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "productId": 83461,
            "lowPrice": 0.1,
            "midPrice": 0.34,
            "highPrice": 1,
            "marketPrice": 0.15,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Normal"
            "productId": 83461,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Holofoil"
            "productId": 83461,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Holofoil"
            "productId": 83461,
            "lowPrice": 0.25,
            "midPrice": 0.49,
            "highPrice": 1.02,
            "marketPrice": 0.3,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Reverse Holofoil"
            "productId": 83461,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Normal"
            "productId": 101491,
            "lowPrice": 0.08,
            "midPrice": 0.23,
            "highPrice": 0.99,
            "marketPrice": 0.14,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Normal"
            "productId": 101491,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Holofoil"
            "productId": 101491,
            "lowPrice": 0.09,
            "midPrice": 0.35,
            "highPrice": 1.95,
            "marketPrice": 0.21,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Reverse Holofoil"
            "productId": 101491,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Normal"
            "productId": 101491,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Holofoil"
            "productId": 130325,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Holofoil"
            "productId": 130325,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Normal"
            "productId": 130325,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Holofoil"
            "productId": 130325,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": 4.31,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Reverse Holofoil"
            "productId": 130325,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Normal"
            "productId": 138608,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Holofoil"
            "productId": 138608,
            "lowPrice": 0.25,
            "midPrice": 0.51,
            "highPrice": 1.77,
            "marketPrice": 0.5,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Normal"
            "productId": 138608,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Normal"
            "productId": 138608,
            "lowPrice": 0.49,
            "midPrice": 1.08,
            "highPrice": 2.9,
            "marketPrice": 1.07,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "Reverse Holofoil"
            "productId": 138608,
            "lowPrice": null,
            "midPrice": null,
            "highPrice": null,
            "marketPrice": null,
            "directLowPrice": null,
            "subTypeName": "1st Edition Holofoil"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!